New Starter Information
We always look forward to welcoming our new pupils and their families.
For those starting in September 2025, into our Foundation Stage Classes at the Infants, or Year 3 at our Juniors, we hope you are finding the information on our website helpful.
Please note that although parents are informed of their child's allocated school by Wokingham Borough Council on 'National Offer Day' on the 16th April 2025, our school will not receive the final admission list until mid-late May 2025. This is to allow time for parents to accept or decline school places and for appeals to be heard. Therefore, please do not worry if you do not hear from us until mid to late May. We are unable to contact parents until we receive the final list from admissions.
Transition Arrangements - Infants
All children who accept a place in Reception will be offered introductory sessions in the term before entry to enable them to meet their teacher and familiarise themselves with the school. On these visits, parents will meet the class teachers and Head of School and receive information regarding the school routines, etc. Dates for these introductory sessions will be emailed to parents directly in May.
Transition Arrangements - Year 2 to Year 3
As children continue their journey with us to junior school, we support them with a number of visits to the junior school so they can become familiar with the workings of a school for older pupils.
Each Year 2 will be assigned a buddy from Year 5 who will show them around the junior school and answer any questions they may have. Buddies will also reconnect in the Autumn Term once Year 2 becomes Year 3.
New Starter Key Information
School Lunches
Polehampton C of E Schools use Caterlink as our meal provider.
All children at the infant school are offered a hot school lunch free of charge as part of the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. Children will order their lunch in class with their teacher. Our lunch menus change three times a year (Autumn, Spring, Summer).
The cost of lunch for children in the junior school is £2.50 a day (unless the child is eligible for free school meals), which is paid via arbor. Children still choose their lunch in class with their teacher.
The most recent menu can be found here.
If your child has a food allergy, please complete the Caterlink Allergy form at the bottom of this page and email or hand into reception.
If preferred, parents can send their child in with a packed lunch. Please note that Polehampton C of E Schools are strictly nut free. This is to ensure children with a serious nut allergy are in a safe space. Therefore, we politely ask that parents do not provide their child with any form of cakes, bars, packets, fruit or sandwich spreads that contain traces of nuts.
School Uniform
Our school uniform is provided by Gooddies or My Clothing. Our PTA also have a website for good quality second-hand school uniform. Please go to the School Uniform page on the website for further information.
Please ensure you dress your child correctly for the season. Hats, scarf, coat and gloves for when it is cold, a waterproof and wellies for when it is wet and a sunhat and sunscreen for when it is hot and sunny.
Wraparound Care and Extra-Curricular Clubs
A breakfast and after-school club is available each day through Polecats, our very own Out of School Club. For further information please click here.
The school organises various extra-curricular school clubs, such as gymnastics, football, french and sewing. These run from the end of school until 4.15pm and take place at the relevant school (infant clubs take place at the infants school and junior school clubs take place at the junior school). To see what clubs we are running this term please click here.
School Communications
Parents will receive a weekly bulletin that gives a brief summary of what the children have been up to across both schools, dates for your diary and key information.
You will also receive ad-hoc communications from the school office or directly from your child’s teacher via Arbor.
Arbor is our school’s cloud-based platform. As a parent, you will receive log-in details that will enable you to update your child’s details, book breakfast or after-school club, parent's evenings and pay for school trips.
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding given to schools and academies to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. If you think you may be entitled to free school meals or the pupil premium grant, please click here for further information.
Cool Milk
All children under the age of 5 are entitled to a free 189ml glass of milk as part of the school milk scheme. If you wish to register your child, there is a registration form at the bottom of this page. Once your child reaches 5, Cool Milk will be in contact about paying a subsidised amount if you wish your child to continue receiving milk. Further information can be found on their website,
Ready for School
To support the transition into 'big' school, Wokingham Borough Council have created this helpful information resource.