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School Uniform

School uniforms help children take pride in their appearance and their school. Whilst it is not compulsory, there is an official uniform available which we strongly recommend children wear.  If you are having difficulties sourcing uniform, please let us know and we can try and help. 

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the child's name.

We have an online uniform service, which means parents can order from home and receive the items straight to your door. This can be done through any of the services listed below.


Infant School Uniform
Every day uniform 

Summer options

PE Kit - to be worn on PE days 

Grey or black skirt or pinafore dress 

Grey or black shorts

Red T-shirt

Black or grey trousers Red checked dress or shirt  Grey or black shorts

White blouse, shirt or polo shirt 


Trainers (no fashion logos or labels)

Red cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt - can have school logo


Grey or black jogging bottoms (winter)

White or grey socks or black or grey tights



Black flat shoes



Junior School Uniform

Every day uniform 

Summer options 

PE Kit - to be worn on PE days

Grey or black skirt or pinafore dress

Grey or black shorts 

Grey or black blue shorts

Grey or black trousers

Red checked dress or shirt 

T-shirt and sweatshirt in House Colours

White shirt, blouse or polo shirt 


Trainers (no fashion or labels)

Navy cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt - can have school logo


Grey or black jogging bottoms (winter)

White or grey socks or black or grey tights


Swimming hat in House Colours (summer)

Black flat shoes