We have a new website of our own now!
It's a super place to go to find out all about our work for the schools. You can book tickets for events and see some of things we've funded for the schools over the years.
Please donate to our latest event - the Spring Sponsored Egg and Spoonathon - see details below.
Up-coming Meetings
The PTAs are run by parents and staff and we aim to raise funds for each school whilst having fun.
We meet regularly throughout the school year to discuss events.
We aim to raise £8,000 a year (including match funding), by running events such as Christmas and Spring Fairs, Movie and Disco nights for the children and Quiz/Curry nights for the parents.
The funds raised go towards:
Living Eggs – pupils get to witness chicks hatching from the eggs
Christmas Panto Coaches
School Servers
Espresso (online learning tool)
A new library in each school!
The work of our PTA has helped the school flourish. Please help us continue to go forward and support in any way you can.
Please join us on Facebook