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Visiting the Schools

Safeguarding cue card and key information

For visitors or volunteers (including work experience), please note the following:

Read these key points:

  • If the fire alarm goes off, please make your way to the field via one of the fire exits.
  • You should not have your mobile phone out in class or when children are around. Only use it when in the staffroom or another room in which there are no pupils.
  • If you see or hear anything that may be a concern (i.e. safeguarding or something that 'sets off an alarm'), you must tell a member of staff immediately. Examples include: a child telling you they are being hurt; a child or adult acting inappropriately; a child hurting another child; or something broken or dangerous. Our safeguarding cue card (below) and policy explain this in more detail.
  • Let us know if you have any allergies or medical conditions to be aware of.
  • Remember that, while with us, you are classed as a member of staff. You need to remain professional and behave how a member of staff would. 
  • Don't put yourself in a vulnerable position with a child (for example, in a room on your own, in the toilets). You should not be alone with a child unless you have an enhanced DBS. A staff member should always be around. This is key to keeping you safe and the children safe.
  • If you are going to be absent, please email the school office as quickly as possible.

Please note that, in line with the safeguarding guidance from KCSIE 2023, we now monitor our networks much more closely (with support from our IT Provider) as part of our monitoring and filtering responsibilities. Connecting to our school network means your device may be monitored and, if you search for or access anything that goes against our monitoring policy or school expectations (such as illegal or illicit material whilst connected to our network), we may be required to take action.

Please see the documents below for our visitors' safeguarding cue card.