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Policies & Documents

Our policies are available to view and download below.

Please note that we are currently unable to add hyperlinks to our behaviour policy and hope to have this resolved as soon as possible. 

  1. Accessibility Policy (TKAT)
  2. Assessment and reporting policy Jan 24 V1
  3. Attendance Policy (TKAT) Sep 22 V1
  4. Attendance Policy - Summary for parents - English
  5. Attendance Policy - Summary for parents - Polish
  6. Attendance Policy - Summary for parents - Romanian
  7. Attendance Policy - Summary for parents - Ukrainian
  8. Attendance Policy - Summary for parents - Urdu
  9. Behaviour Policy Mar 23 V6
  10. Behaviour - anti-bullying policy Mar 23 V1
  11. Calculations Policy - Infants
  12. Calculations Policy - Juniors
  13. Charging and Remissions Policy (TKAT) Mar 23 V1
  14. Code of Conduct - governors (TKAT) Jul 23 V1
  15. Code of Conduct - Parents (and other visitors) (TKAT) Nov 23 V1
  16. Collective worship policy Jan 24 V4
  17. Complaints Policy (TKAT) Jul 23
  18. Curriculum Statement (TKAT) Sep 23
  19. Data Protection Policy (TKAT) Jul 23 V1
  20. Educational Visits Volunteers Info APPENDIX
  21. Educational visits and offsite events policy Jan 24 V1
  22. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (TKAT) May 23
  23. EYFS Policy Jan 24 V1
  24. Freedom of Information Policy (TKAT) Jul 23
  25. Health and Safety Policy (TKAT) Mar 23
  26. Health and Safety Statement (TKAT) Mar 23
  27. Healthy eating, snacks and lunch box policy Jan 24 V1
  28. Infant Forest Schools Handbook
  29. Intimate care policy Jan 23 V1
  30. Lettings Policy Feb 2023 (TKAT) - Infants
  31. Lettings Policy Feb 2023 (TKAT) - Juniors
  32. Marking and Feedback Policy
  33. Medication Form - Short term
  34. Medication Form - Long Term
  35. Medicines Policy
  36. Online Safety Policy (TKAT) Sep 23
  37. Parent Code of Conduct
  38. Privacy Notice - Local Govrs Trustees Volunteers (TKAT) Jul 23
  39. Privacy Notice - parents-carers (TKAT) Jul 23
  40. Privacy Notice - pupils (TKAT) Jul 23
  41. RE policy Jan 24 V4
  42. Remote learning policy Jan 24 V2
  43. RSE Policy (TKAT) Mar 23
  44. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (TKAT) Sep 2023 V2
  45. Safeguarding statement (TKAT) Jul 23
  46. SEND information report for Parents
  47. SEND Policy
  48. Separated parent policy Jan 24 V1
  49. SMSC and British Values Policy Jan 24 V1
  50. Social Media Communication for Parents
  51. Suspension and Permanent exclusions (TKAT) Sep 23
  52. Teaching and Learning policy Jan 24 V1
  53. Volunteer Policy (TKAT) Jul 23
  54. Whistleblowing Policy (TKAT) Jul 23 V1